I'm blogging
Came back for eid-mubarak..Hari raya..
Then its time to gather together with families, meeting my old friends..
but ever since I'm in Sabah, I havent announce my arrival..haha ( macam apala pula..announce arrival kunun)
I'm coming back for a short period, but for sure I always love my hometown, I come back with great hope..I'm looking my self in the future as a successful person..proud to be one of my family member-thinking of going futher for my doctorate, but then I decided I must make something successful that really gonna make myself proud of my own effort, make valuable jobs and important thing, make money first with my own effort..
I am a girl who wants to be succesful on my own feet, and independent girl that has to be lovely of course..
Just a pieces of heart echoe...
Sometimes we close our eyes and just listen to the echoes of our hearts. We all fall in love and there are times when we love so much that we lose ourselves in our own emotions. More often than not, we wonder why there is love that grows and there is love that grows cold.
We would start to search for answers and try to find where love has gone wrong. But in the end, we find ourselves where we started for we cannot question love when it has its own reason. Love will always be as it always has been silent, mysterious and deeply profound.
Many of us believe that love is forever, that love never dies only to be disillusioned in the end when we find ourselves empty and longing. We mistakenly look at love as a need to be fulfilled. But it is only a gift given to us. We shouldn’t hold it in our hands for we may never find the strength to let it go when it decided to leave. We should only embrace its warmth and glow while it last and then freely open our arms when it’s time to say goodbye.
We fall in love with someone; we don’t want that feeling to end for it is everything we want it to be. We pray that love will stay and grow in our hearts. But if it doesn’t, then we should never let ourselves taken by it.
For life should not end where heartaches begin.
There is always a reason why we have to move on. When we have to say goodbye to the things we wanted to stay forever. Let us not waive our hands with a heavy heart. For love will set its wings free and find a place where it belongs.
-this post I cut from my Friendster blog (not active anymore).
Here again
I've been watching the film AWAKE..
and it was just a good story..I like the way story presented, and I been crazy for the main actor..Hayden Christensen
from car, house, clothes, handphones...??

I love taking photos, and a little bit narcist

The photo above was me, with the most precious things
in my life..Necklace given by the special person in my life..
and i love designing photo.. I am using Adobe Photoshop CS2,
and for designing this photo, just adding some filter- using magnetic tools,
text, blending the text..and here we go...

The photo above also my design..
a bit messy but actually I dun really have the idea with the messy thing...
just trying and I know it doesn't look really good but..ya..just ignore it, I just want to
do some editting, designing with my own idea..
pssst: This photo is copyright of BEEYHONYE.DESIGN
please ask for permission for downloading these photos..
Fashion 10 rules for 2008
1. Ankle straps foreshorten the leg. But only if the ankle strap is the width of a belt, slices horizontally across your ankle and is worn over bare legs or clashing tights. However, is this really so much worse than wearing a shoe that falls off every time you have to negotiate a stair? The right strap – sitting slightly below the ankle – can help define an ankle. Besides, if you wear them with toning tights, cankle problem solved.
2. All things in moderation. Yawn. In 2008, one item in your outfit should be utterly immoderate: huge ring, stonking platform,deafening pop of colour, vast cuffs. Enough superlatives for you?
3. Every woman needs a white shirt. Wrong. Only women who look good in a white shirt need one. Some look better in white T-shirts.
4. Women over 50 can’t wear their hair long. They can if their hair is still shiny and fabulous. File in bin along with the rule about blonde being more flattering as you age – not on everyone it isn’t.
5. Kate Moss and Nicole Kidman are style icons. Ergo even when they look dodgy, they must be right. Wrong. Kate Moss and Nicole Kidman are human and, as 2007 proved, fallible. Trust your instincts on this. And can we agree that the words style, fashion and icon should never again be used in the same paragraph?
6. You can’t go wrong with a trench coat. Actually, you can. Epaulettes, flaps and lots of buttons swamp some women. Just because it's a classic, it doesn’t mean it’s right for you.
7. Black and navy blue will never do. Another one from the Ark, although I think periwinkle was the hot shade then. Black and navy can look very chic – black tights and certainly black patent shoes toughen up a navy outfit and stop it looking like a uniform.
8. High heels lengthen the legs. True, obviously. But while high is good, higher isn’t always better. When a short woman teeters on stilts, bottom and bosoms set off at weird angles, making her resemble a spiral staircase, the issue of whether her legs have technically become longer is irrelevant.
9. No miniskirts over 40. More superannuated diktats from the age police. If you’ve got them (and they still look fabulous), flaunt them, but probably best to draw the line at the lower thigh.
10. Don’t wear the same trend twice. Utter twaddle. Trends come round so fast now that would preclude almost everything we have come to recognise as clothing
Fashion are like rules, that has to be follow, but don't be a fashion victim. Our instinct, heart and mind that should decide what rules we should we get in..hohoho
ohhh..hahaha Finally I'm in mood of blogging again..
these fews days just a hectic time and more, I don't have the mood for blogging

I just wanna put my playlist in imeem, its a DUSUN song actually, by Jestie Alexius..one of the talented Dusun singer from Tambunan..
The title is Tambalut ku

Then..juz take a look on the crazee-day-out pictures of us..

[picturing myself in the toilet on The Gardens, free entry toilet actually, there is a pay toilet on ground floor (if I not mistaken) that cost about RM5]
I wonder what there have in the toilet..??

pictures combine into one

The internet connection is so slow.....thats why i don't blog for few days..
Nothing much ..
I am waiting for the latest episode of Naruto shipuuden but its seems that there is no episode for these week. Yeah should be patient for the delay... And the manga full version hasn't been verity yet...mmm

One of naruto character; Jiraiya-Sama, so sad if he really dead..OMG just an anime..there is no need to sad..hahaha
I ' m in d.i.l.e.m.m.a
8 things I'm passionate about:
1. going out with my honey
2. eating
3. traveling
4. sleeping
5. money
6. blogging
7. clothes
8. laughing
8 things I say often:
1. iya..?
2. esshh....
3. jelek...
4. mau . . .
5. weeiisshhh . . .
6. aahhh??
7. itu dia . . .
8. makan lagi . . .
8 books I’ve read recently:
This the 8 most recent;
1. Devils Angels
2. Panduan Penulisan Tesis Gaya UKM . .
3. Impak Pembangunan Terhadap Alam Sekitar
4. Ecotourism
5. Ekonomi Alam Sekitar
6. Pengurusan Alam Sekitar di Malaysia
7. Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management
8. Non-fiction book hehehe....
1. Married - having a pretty gown wedding and garden wedding..hhmmmm
2. Having Child
3. Loving my husband and child
4. loving and care to my family - mom, dad and other relatives - sister, brother, aunt, uncle..etc
5. Travelling all over my favourite places in the world
6. eating all the way while travelling
7. having a house with swimming pool, an luxurious life
8. ask everyone for forgiveness
8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
1. Running ( No Doubt)
2. The APL song(BEP)
3. Sleeping with the light on(Busted)
4. All good things (Nelly Furtado)
5. Dead (MCR)
6. Big Girls don't cry ( Fergie)
7. Can't Take My Eyes Of You (all version)
8. Invincible(Five)
8 things that attract me to my friends:
1. a good listener, but frankly I don't talk much but that doesn't mean I am PENDIAM , just sometimes not in the mood of talking; futhermore the more we talk, the more nonsense talk will it be. .
2. I like to laugh
3. kind
4. don't like to be pretending about things
5. having a lot of crazee idea
6. observant
7. sincere..
8. down to earth
8 things I learn in the last year:
1. Deep Love
2. how to cook some Indonesian food..
3. bravoury
4. Environment
5. Don;t be so foolish
6. Save more money
7. How to enjoy myself
8. trustworthy, faith . .
8 people I want to tag
1. girl called nina
2. girl that born on august
3. Libra girl
4. Aries guy
5. Virgo guy
6. person which has 8 in birth date
7. person that has 4 in her birth date
8. person that will be born on 8.8.08... ( Don't really exist yet)
unTitle by me
Which Positive Quality Are You? Your Result: Faith You are Faith. Faith is the belief in better things, in spite of the cynicism and doubt that swirls around us. Faith gives us strength; it inpsires us to move forward and follow our hearts. "Faith tells us what the senses do not." | |
Love | |
Courage | |
Charity | |
Friendship | |
Peace | |
Which Positive Quality Are You? |
I think the first quiz i did (above) was quite true (^_*), but the second quiz was quite unrelevant i think..hahaha . . I am on the drama nerd type?? To admit it, yes I would like to watch drama..and for acting maybe I also talented (*_^) . . . Haven't involve in any type of acting actually but maybe I can try someday..but I thinks its not the right time for me to learn and done all kind of that things now..
The things that I been always longing to do is taking piano class, yoga class and class of learning to reading other people's mind hahaha ^+^.. bout singing.. my friend and I have been going on a band while secondary school, i still remember singing the acapella version of So much In Love by All4one..hmmm such a memorable friendship back then...but i'm not the lead okay..I don't have that beautiful voices but still I can sing...I admire the voice of Christina Aguilera, Mariah carey...
The internet connection was quite slow, and I been so boring with this slow connection..wth..
I miss home right now...
just sharing some quotation: life was a mess... I guess sometimes life's stresses gets you down
What Be Your Nerd Type? Your Result: Drama Nerd You sure do love the spotlight and probably have a very out-going and loud personality. Or not. That's just a stereotype, of course. Participation in the theatre is something to be very proud of. Whether you have a great voice for musicals, or astounding skills for dramas/comedies; keep up the good work. We need more entertainment these days that isn't television and video games (not that these things are bad, necessarily.) | |
Musician | |
Science/Math Nerd | |
Social Nerd | |
Literature Nerd | |
Artistic Nerd | |
Gamer/Computer Nerd | |
Anime Nerd | |
What Be Your Nerd Type? Quizzes for MySpace |
New layout for a new look
Actually I just change my layout, the header, which I give names: 570header, I designed myself, and about the layout code, I am inspired by metalic street, but have done some modification as what I'm comfortable with the interface.
I have been designing, debugging and writing the code since 5 pm this evening( Sunday-27 Jan ) and finally finish with the header design on 11 pm today. But I have taking break oso..having tea, eating biscuits.. I am hungry...haven't eating nasi today. . .

environmentally friendly??

would you believe that this gown was made from toilet tissue?

This a kind of enviro-friendly wears but to think more deeply does it really an environmentally friendly..??

toilet tissue was first used by Chinese in 6th century AD. Then lets see how was the toilet tissue was made of.
Other materials used in manufacture include water, chemicals for breaking down the trees into usable fiber, and bleaches. Companies that make paper from recycled products use oxygen, ozone, sodium hydroxide, or peroxide to whiten the paper. Virgin-paper manufacturers, however, often use chlorine-based bleaches (chlorine dioxide), which have been identified as a threat to the environment.
So people, lets makes some prediction and mind calculation here if we are going to use and wear this "ecofriendly clothes made from toilet tissue", how many percent could it leads us to actually preserve the environment. But this dress of toilet paper will only be used one time then stored in a box. After the wedding, you can feel the dress against your skin daily…. or ’till the toilet paper runs out.

Video of Lovebirds Jennifer Cannon and Doy Nichols from Lexington, Kentucky got married in a New York restroom as part of a publicity stunt for Charmin toilet, tissue. Strangely enough, the event was hosted and paid for by Charmin.
Fringe hairstyle
- Hairstyle that popular in Japanese women nowadays
Been so busy for the past two days, furthermore, I'm just not in the mood for blogging..
Right now I want to focus on finding a suitable job for me..i have sent many resume to many company but so sad there is no reply yet. I have been on interview before with one of the best career place in Malaysia, and luckily I got it..But..I haven't finish my study yet, still have about 5 months to go..Since I'm not available, the interviewer told me to call him after I finish my studying but...I did not call him yet..hehehe
Went for a jog on the evening makes me feel more refreshed than the days before. Hey, I'm doing some research here for a tips for proper running form. A proper running form is important just as the important of having a good body posture.
eyes should be focused on the ground. about 10 feet to 20 feet ahead. (30.48 metres - 60.96 metres ahead)
Land on your mid foot. Land on middle (ball) of the foot, and roll through to the front of the toes.
If you land on your toes, your calves will get tight or fatigue quickly and you may develop shin pain.
If you land on your heels, you may overstrided and may cause in braking, which are wasting energy and may cause injury.
Hands should be kept at waist levels, right about where they might lightly brush your hip. The arms should be 90 degree angle. Sometimes people tend to hold their hands way up by their chest, especially as they get tired. Ironically, you may actually get more tired by holding your arms that way and you'll start to feel tightness and tension in your shoulders and neck. Arms and hands should be relaxed as possible. The trick is gently cup your hands, as if you are holding an egg and you don't want to break it. Don't clench your fists because it can lead to tightness in the arms, shoulders, and neck.
Shoulder should be relaxes and square or facing towards, not hunched over. Rounding the shoulders too far forward tends to tighten the chest and restrict breathing.
Make sure to rotate arm from shoulder, which means the arms should swing back and forth from your shoulder joint, not your elbow joint.
Avoid side-to-side arm swinging. If your arms cross over your chest, you're more likely to slouch, which means you're not breathing efficiently. Imagine a vertical line splitting your body in half -- your hands should not cross it.
When we are doing breathing exercise, the best way to breath is inhale from nose and exhale from the mouth. But well, while jogging, its best to breathe in and out through your mouth when you're running. Your muscles need oxygen to keep moving and your nose simply can't deliver enough. Deep belly breathing allows you to take in more air, which can also help prevent side stitches. You should be able to speak in full sentences, without gasping for air. Slow down or walk if you're running out of breath
Discover the truth of weirdness . .
Arsoli (Lazio, Italy)
Bastard (Norway)
Beaver (Oklahoma, USA)
Beaver Head (Idaho, USA)
Brown Willy (Cornwall,UK)
Chinaman's Knob (Australia)
Climax (Colorado, USA)
Cunt (Spain)
Cunter (Switzerland)
Dikshit (India)
Dildo (Newfoundland, Canada)
Dong Rack (Thailand-Cambodia border)
Dongo (Congo - Democratic Republic)
Effin (Limerick, Ireland)
Fuku (Shensi, China)
Fukue (Honshu, Japan)
Fukui (Honshu, Japan)
Fukum (Yemen)
Hold With Hope (Greenland)
Intercourse (Pennsylvania, USA)
Lickey End (West Midlands, UK)
Little Dix Village (West Indies)
Lord Berkeley's Knob (Sutherland, Scotland)
Middle Intercourse Island (Australia)
Muff (Northern Ireland)
Nobber (Donegal, Ireland)
Pis Pis River (Nicaragua)
Sexmoan (Luzon, Philippines)
Seymen (Turkey)
Shafter (California, USA)
Shag Island (Indian Ocean)
Shitlingthorpe (Yorkshire, UK)
Tittybong (Australia)
Tong Fuk (Japan)
Turdo (Romania)
Twatt (Orkney, UK)
Wank (Germany)
Wankendorf (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)
Wankener (India)
Wankie (Zimbabwe)
Wankie Colliery (Zimbabwe)
Wanks River (Nicaragua)
Wankum (Germany)
Wet Beaver Creek (Australia)
Also in Sabah, we have Menggatal and Menumbok but that names are not funny for us who have been knowing the name since childhood, but hell the fact is that the west (Peninsular Malaysia) always make a laugh of it.
Source: thatsweird.net
Part of the world has sinking?

Can read the full post of the politician game in Ah Yap's blog (linked above). Politic is a gamble that using a millions life's of people. If the politician taking the wrong card then the world may be in deterioration.
oh..Gwen..[ close up to Gwen Stefani ]

Ever been inspired by a song that makes you decided the way of your life to reach a successful life? I am been inspired by the song of No Doubt - The Climb.
Apart from that, I like Gwen Stefani, the lead singer of No Doubt. She is very unique, from her voice, style and of course she is beautiful. Here are a Mini Biography of Gwen Stefani
Gwen Renee Stefani was born on October 3, 1969 at St. Jude's Hospital in Fullerton, California. She was one of four children born to Dennis Stefani and Patti Flynn. Her siblings are Eric Stefani, Jill and Todd. She and her brother Eric began the band No Doubt when Gwen was a teenager and she moved from backing vocals to lead singer when their original lead, John Spence, committed suicide. She dated band mate Tony Kanal for eight years, before marrying English rocker Gavin Rossdale on 14 September 2002 in London. She is now stepmother to Gavin's 16-year-old daughter, Daisy Lowe. Gwen and Gavin divide their time equally between homes in Anaheim and London.
Gavin Rossdale (14 September 2002 - present) 1 child
Gwen's Trade Mark are:
Red lips and platinum blond hair.
Off-beat, yet fashionable style.
- Was on her High School swim team.
- Lead singer for the band No Doubt.
- Met future husband Gavin Rossdale (Bush) in 1996 at a concert she was playing with her band No Doubt.
- Inspired by such musicals as The Sound of Music (1965), and Annie (1982).
- Has one sister, Jill and two brothers, Eric Stefani and Todd Stefani.
- Eric Stefani, her brother, was the keyboardist for No Doubt.
- Attended Cal State Fullerton.
- Has a her own fashion label named L.A.M.B. which goes on sale in Spring 2004.
- According to the April 2004 issue of Vogue, her father Dennis is Italian and her mother Patti is of Irish and Scottish descent.
- Was voted one of People magazines 50 Most Beautiful People of 2004.
- Arrived an hour late for her wedding.
- Many big celebs like Nicky Hilton, Paris Hilton, Carmen Electra, and Halle Berry have been spotted wearing her popular bag, and clothing line titled L.A.M.B.
- Shares a birthday with singer Ashlee Simpson and former Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee.
- Ranked #22 in Stuff magazine's "102 Sexiest Women in the World" (2002).
- Her wedding dress was designed by John Galliano.
- Friend and collaborator of rapper Eve.
- Named Best Dressed Woman in the May 2005 issue of Harpers & Queen.
- Her home was used in a music video for a song from Rufus Wainwright's debut album.
- Is a distant cousin of Madonna. Her great-aunt's mother-in-law shares the last name with Madonna.
- Had a seven year romantic relationship with No Doubt's bassist, Tony Kanal. Most of the songs on No Doubt's "Tragic Kingdom" CD are about their break-up.
- Admits that she only had two boyfriends in her life. One is No Doubt band member Tony Kanal, the other one is her husband Gavin Rossdale. [
Beey Says: It Perfect Gwen!!]
- Good friends with Shirley Manson, lead singer of Garbage.
- Received two Grammy Awards with No Doubt, for "Best Pop Performance By Duo Or Group With Vocal" in 2002 ("Hey Baby") and 2003 ("Underneath It All").
- Received five Grammy Awards nominations as solo artist on 8 December 2005: Best Pop Vocal Album, Best Female Pop Performance, Album Of The Year, Record Of The Year and Best Rap/Sung Collaboration.
- Stepmother of Gavin Rossdale's daughter Daisy Lowe (b. 1989).
- The vinyl red gown that she wore on the cover of "Tragic Kingdom" was stolen from the Fullerton Museum Centre in Orange County, California on 11th January 2005.
- Launched a second fashion line, Harajuku Lovers, inspired by the street fashions of the Harajuku area of Tokyo, Japan. This complements her solo album, Love Angel Music Baby, on which she makes multiple references to Harajuku girls. [
Beey Says: I love Harajuku ]
- Is some sort of a fashion icon, because of her unique style, which mixes vintage with designer clothes. [
Beey Says: yeah-agree on this]
- Named #30 in FHM's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2005" special supplement. (2005)
- Gwen and her husband, Gavin Rossdale, became the parents of a boy, Kingston James McGregor, on May 26, 2006 in Los Angeles.
- Named #40 in FHM magazine's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2006" supplement (2006).
- Mopped the floors of a local Dairy Queen, shortly before joining her brother's band, No Doubt.
- Was considered for the role of Jane Smith in Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) when Nicole Kidman dropped out of the project.
Personal Quotes
"I think everyone has gifts and everyone has talents. If you are successful at it, it feels really good but it never really penetrates completely. There are moments where I think that we made an amazing record and I'm so proud of it, but I don't wake up and go, "Wow, I'm amazing."
It's always odd to talk about my fashion. It's something you look at-you don't need to talk about it.
I don't know what I'm going to do, but I've always wanted to do the family thing
At a certain point I'm going to want to have a family and I'm not going to have time to be running around the world doing this shit and being greedy. I can always write songs. But can I always wear an Alice-in-Wonderland costume? I probably shouldn't. I can at home. I was thinking that when I have children, that I should always dress as a character for them, so they think their mom is Alice in Wonderland or Cinderella. It would be totally messed up!
As a famous person you think how you're gonna end it, get away and have a normal life. I imagine my children are going to save me from my vanity and be my passion and fill whatever fears I have of the amazing time I'm having right now being gone. I don't want to drop off and not be on the radio or not be able to talk about myself for hours. I don't want it to go away. But at the same time, I never expected to be here in the first place.
I'm really emotional. I don't fight with people - like, I can barely fight with my husband because I'll just start crying instead. I've learnt not to do that.
I've been making a conscious effort not to think about the future. I'm lucky to not have a real job, to be able to express myself, be creative and be relevant. I don't know what I will be doing in 10 years. How old will I be? Forty-five. I don't want to think about it to be honest, because it's a waste of time. Tomorrow night I'll be in bed with my husband again and it will be really great. It's all about right now.
"I'm like a peanut butter sandwich."
"The one thing that makes me feel super lucky about my financial success is that I have a housekeeper."
"My songs are basically my diaries. Some of my best songwriting has come out of time when I've been going through a personal nightmare."
"I really want to take some more time out and be with my husband. I guess what I really want is to have a baby. Life is short and you've got to get the most out of it."
"I'd like to stress that I only have a small role. Oh, who am I kidding? There are no small roles in a Scorsese film" (Regarding her role in The Aviator (2004)).
"For me, acting comes from the same place as performing music. I just have to perform. I wanted to get it right and I did. Sometimes you just have to go for it."
"They are my best friends, so when I told them that I wanted to try something solo they responded in the way that best friends do. It was a matter of timing. We've all been growing up and our priorities have changed. Then I went and got married and my priorities certainly changed." (regarding pursuing a solo music career away from her rock group, No Doubt)
"This album is just about me. Although at times I think there's less of me on this than anything I've done because of all the people involved." (regarding her first solo album, Love Angel Music Baby)
"I imagine having children will save me from my vanity and fill whatever fears I have." [on easing up on her career to consider a family, in Rolling Stone]
"I really don't care what people say. It's not like it discourage me from doing something I want to do".
"One time, a guy said he worked for Hugh Hefner and gave me a card. I thought it was funny."
I have a dream about spending time in my house with my kids. Being a mom was all I ever dreamed about. Now that it's come true it makes me feel like my life has come together. Nothing else matters.

This picture more to resembles to Pink. They have the same shape of face.

On Gwen's wedding with Gavin. Gavin is a handsome..guy afterall...
Mini Biography By: Calliope ( http://www.imdb.com/)
I love naruto..(Anime-Widget)..

The widget was built using flash I think, and its kinda cute.....very cute. Well I love naruto most compare to other anime. There is an example of clock widget I use from anime-widget in my blog. ( you can see on the column below my profile). It cute isn't it??
This site awesome for the anime lover who want to put all the anime character in their website, blog or friendster and so on. A highly reccomended site for anime widget.
Drop A visit to Anime-Widget for a cute and fun, inspiring anime character widget.

Back to normal again..
About the advertlets, I found out from another blog that the advertlets domains has expired on 4th of january , and the things is thar the web team did not bother to check the situation. Just forget about all the ads world. Check out what other people has thinking for securities nowadays, even selipar jipun has to be locked for the reason to avoid from being taken by irresponsible other.
The picture above I received in my email from my friend, gutty.
This is -
Petua elak hilang selipar semasa solat Jumaat
Just for some salingan.20080102
we always hoping something may different in the new year. New year, new determination, new aim. Hoping something will change but do we really prepared to changed the way we think? may be we are willing to change the way we work, but why have the changing determination on new year. If we really wanna changed, to be different than before, we may changed anytime, we may changed at that moment..
Why do have to wait for new year? because it sounds practical,??
Running in the new year
Running all the time
Running to the future
With you right by my side
Im the one you chose
Out of all the people
You wanted me the most
Im so sorry that Im falling
Help me up lets keep on running
Dont let me fall out of love
Running, running
As fast as we can
I really hope you make it
(do you think well make it? )
Were running
Keep holding my hand
Its so we dont get separated
Be the one I need
Be the one I trust most
Dont stop inspiring me
Sometimes its hard to keep on running
We work so much to keep it going
Dont make me want to give up
(the future)