I have been watching UGLY BETTY season 2 on episode 11, 12 and 13 but haven't finish watching yet. If the connection was faster I think I can finish watching it by this night. My cousin come to my place today for a vacation on semester break..hehe, and I was maybe quite busy for these few day working on my thesis, doing some correction like thats....
I am waiting for the latest episode of Naruto shipuuden but its seems that there is no episode for these week. Yeah should be patient for the delay... And the manga full version hasn't been verity yet...mmm

One of naruto character; Jiraiya-Sama, so sad if he really dead..OMG just an anime..there is no need to sad..hahaha
haha.. jgn sedih o byo.. nanti ada lagi tu peran baru utk gantikan si jiraiya-sama.. haha..
nway, saya sudah buat itu tag. tapi blom publish lagi.. utk besok.. hehe..
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