I ' m in d.i.l.e.m.m.a

dazeree has tagged me on these...I was so boring with the slow of internet connection this few day... I am in dilemma right now......btw the way..just check out on these...

8 things I'm passionate about:
1. going out with my honey
2. eating
3. traveling
4. sleeping
5. money
6. blogging
7. clothes
8. laughing

8 things I say often:

1. iya..?
2. esshh....
3. jelek...
4. mau . . .
5. weeiisshhh . . .
6. aahhh??
7. itu dia . . .
8. makan lagi . . .

8 books I’ve read recently:

This the 8 most recent;

1. Devils Angels
Panduan Penulisan Tesis Gaya UKM . .
Impak Pembangunan Terhadap Alam Sekitar
4. Ecotourism
5. Ekonomi Alam Sekitar
Pengurusan Alam Sekitar di Malaysia
7. Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management
8. Non-fiction book hehehe....

8 things to do before I die:

1. Married - having a pretty gown wedding and garden wedding..hhmmmm
2. Having Child
3. Loving my husband and child
4. loving and care to my family - mom, dad and other relatives - sister, brother, aunt, uncle..etc
5. Travelling all over my favourite places in the world
6. eating all the way while travelling
7. having a house with swimming pool, an luxurious life
8. ask everyone for forgiveness

8 songs I could listen to over and over again:

1. Running ( No Doubt)
2. The APL song(BEP)
3. Sleeping with the light on(Busted)
4. All good things (Nelly Furtado)
5. Dead (MCR)
6. Big Girls don't cry ( Fergie)
7. Can't Take My Eyes Of You (all version)
8. Invincible(Five)

8 things that attract me to my friends:

1. a good listener, but frankly I don't talk much but that doesn't mean I am PENDIAM , just sometimes not in the mood of talking; futhermore the more we talk, the more nonsense talk will it be. .
2. I like to laugh
3. kind
4. don't like to be pretending about things
5. having a lot of crazee idea
6. observant
7. sincere..
8. down to earth

8 things I learn in the last year:

1. Deep Love
2. how to cook some Indonesian food..
3. bravoury
4. Environment
5. Don;t be so foolish
6. Save more money
7. How to enjoy myself
8. trustworthy, faith . .

8 people I want to tag

1. girl called nina
2. girl that born on august
3. Libra girl
4. Aries guy
5. Virgo guy
6. person which has 8 in birth date
7. person that has 4 in her birth date
8. person that will be born on 8.8.08... ( Don't really exist yet)


Unknown said...

darl, is that my name on the list?
senggugut byooooo..
muka dah pale gilak niiii..

Dazeree Joan said...

Thanks for doing the tag! Teruk la sy ni xda baca apa2 buku... I'm contributing to the down slide of the average pages read by Malaysians.

Beyo ncee said...

ninadewe: thks nina udh buat the tag
dazeree : biasala busy teda baca buku..hehe

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