Damn slander

Its been a week since I put my last post. At first the internet connection become slower and I couldn't even connect to the server. Well I do not know the cause for it.but..Just forget about it. I am feeling kind of deplorable at this moment. There are people done some bad thing about me, doing something using my name and my bf. Slandering me. What the hell is that 'person' really intended to do. It bullshit! Bladispulpark! I don't want to do any suspicion even thought my instinct keep telling me, keep me thinking about the 'person' that is likely to be behind this all.
I don't want to hate people, and if someone there hating me, don't like me..I don't give a damn about it as long they don't disturbed my life, my happiness, my circle and soo on. But this one is really irritating. DAMN!!!
People are just pathetic. Really pathetic. Sometimes its really important to have a not 100% faith on others. Putting such a high value of faith on others may just hurt you someday. People learn through their true experience. I learn through my 23 years old experience, observant and I just cannot really going to accept this kind of slander, defamation and so on. God bless the truth. The truth is out there. But will the truth reveals by it self?

Healthy Diet

As I browsing to look information on traditional tips on healthy food, I found something about pineapples. I discover interesting fact about what pineapple and found out some myth about pineapple aren't just true.
1 . Pineapple can lead to abortion - ( )
Actually there isn't a detailed research on this but pineapple actually has a great amount of vitamin C and its good for pregnancy. But it is recommended for the pregnant women to avoid eating the immature pineapple because it may lead to abortion.
2. Pineapple can reduce weight - ( wwwooooww)
How? I do know actually but this is the tips on reducing weight using pineapples juice:
- Prepare a pineapple
- cut and blend it to make a pineapple juice (a)
- filter the (a) so that you can get the juice only
- Drink it all
- It is recommended to do this twice a day
For constipation, pineapple juice can reduce constipation.
- prepare an immature pineapple
- peel the pineapple and wash clean
- blend it to get the juice
- Drink it twice after meals (1/2 glass each)
I say: The old folks has make many discovery long time ago. Just imagine at that time, there is no doctor for them to go, they just depending on the traditional, the natural food, plant and fruit to cure the illness that come. We who live in the modern living nowadays should practice the old folks tips to have a healthy diet and life. Its good to back to basic. Prevention is better than medication.
Putting the new hit counter
Really hate it to be like that but I think that how world is going on..
When I woke up tommorow, its just another new day in 365 days..
So the thing I am gonna write is that I am putting a new hit counter on my blog..
so don't think that I just kinda started my blog you there...

You sure always been aware of this fact, but have you really try this ?
First :

Let's try..

The cards strip are ready..then

put the cooking foil
put the petrol..make sure its a petrol since we doing this experiment regarding filling station

Use your phone..


More calls...

What you see Is something true..

I Say: People just not aware if they doesn't really experiencing it right..
The story about monday
Ever thinking about how come a week is consist of 7 days?
Practical geometrical theories:
If you wrap a rubber band around 7 soda cans (or any other convenient circular objects). You get a perfect hexagon with the 7th can in the middle. It is the only stable configuration of wrapping more than 3 circular objects. Four, 5, and 6 objects will slip from one configuration to another. Ancients wrapping tent poles, small logs for firewood, or other ciruclar objects might have come upon this number and attach a mystical significance to it.
One viable theory correlates the seven day week to the seven (astrological) "planets" known to the ancients: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
The number seven does not seem an obvious choice to match lunar or solar periods, however.
A solar year could be more evenly divided into weeks of 5 days, and the moon phases five-day and six-day weeks make a better short term fit (6 times 5 is 30) to the lunar (synodic) month (of about 29.53 days) than the current week (4 times 7 is 28).
The seven-day week may have been chosen because its length approximates one moon phase (one quarter = 29.53 / 4 = 7.3825).
Ever thinking if there is another system that different with our 7 days a week?
Try to think of this:
If you define a "week" as a 7-day period, obviously the answer is no. But if you define a "week" as a named interval that is greater than a day and smaller than a month, the answer is yes.
Do you know ancient Egyptians used a 10-day "week".
And Maya calendar uses a 13 and a 20-day "week".
There is a story about monday, the words monday gets it names from the Moon, which in turn gets its name from Mani (Old English Mona), the Germanic Moon god (Wikipedia).
Similarly, the names in Latin-based languages such as the Italian name (Lunedi), the French name (lundi), the Spanish name (Lunes), and the Romanian name (Luni) come from the Latin name for Moon, luna. The Russian word, eschewing pagan names, is понедельник (poniediélnik), meaning "after Sunday." In most of the Indian Languages, the word for Monday is Somvar, with Soma being the Sanskrit name for the moon. The Japanese word for Monday is getsuyōbi (月曜日) which means day of the moon.
Monday is held to be the first day of the week. This is the case in most of Europe, parts of Africa, South America and Australia. In Asia – because the western calendar system was introduced only during the 20th century – many languages refer to Monday as the "day of the beginning". For example, Monday is xingqi yi in Chinese, meaning day one of the week. The international standard, ISO 8601, defines Monday as the first day of the week.
But according to the Judeo-Christian count, Monday is the second day, the first being Sunday. This is also the standard format in Canada and the United States. Its name in Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Persian, Portuguese and Syriac means "second day". Quakers also traditionally refer to Monday as "Second Day" eschewing the pagan origin of the English name "Monday". For similar reasons the official liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church refers to Monday as "Feria II". (The Portuguese name for Monday reflects this, as do all the days' names except Saturday and Sunday: the Portuguese word for Monday is segunda-feira.)
In some state in Malaysia (Kelantan) also make monday as the second day in a week, so sunday is their first day in a week.
Modern culture usually looks at Monday as the beginning of the workweek, as it is typically Monday when adults go back to work and children back to school after the weekend. Thus, Mondays are often seen as a misfortune. In Middle Eastern countries, however, the beginning of the workweek is usually Saturday (Thursday and Friday are observed as the weekend). In Israel, Sunday is the first day of the workweek. Friday is half a work day and Friday night and Saturday are the Sabbath.
In the folk rhyme, "Monday's child is fair of face".
It is Monday when commodity markets add or subtract weather premium, hence the nickname Weather Market Monday.
In Thailand, the color associated with Monday is yellow.
Why people always hate Monday?

I say: because it is first week in their country where the first week to work/ go to school / attending classes../ or what so ever, where their weekend haven't been enough breaks for them..
Give and Take - Yoga Journal Newsletter
Give and Take
In one sense, generosity is natural: We can no more help giving than we can live without the support of everything we receive. Verses in the Vedas describe the generosity of the natural elements, the way the earth supports us without ever demanding thanks, the way the sun shines and the rain falls.
But if our essence is naturally generous, the ego fears not having enough, worries about getting hurt or losing out, feels anxious at the thought of looking silly or getting ripped off, and, above all, looks for a payoff. So for most of us, there's a continual push-pull that pits our natural generosity and genuine desire to share against the ego's feeling of lack and its desire to drive a bargain.
Use your daily meditation, or just put aside a few minutes every day, to practice offering blessings or prayers for another's welfare. Then mentally touch each person with your awareness and ask that he or she be blessed. As you do this, also observe your own state. Notice whether reluctance or smugness arises. If so, don't judge yourself; simply see whether you can hold these feelings in awareness. Often, that awareness will allow them to change.
Think about generousity, think positive and try to throw all the negative or bad thought of your mind. Yoga is not only about being physically health but for a mentally and purist inner self.
- -
Reposting the : You are true Sabahan when...
| |
Subject: | Fw: You are a true Sabahan when...... |
Date: | Fri, 24 Feb 2006 11:04:33 +0800 |
from my ex-officer while doing internship / industrial training while undergraduate..
Even I have posted in

but since the bulletin in friendster only allow for 1000 word then it shouldn't be these complete..
You are a true Sabahan when...
2) You have the luxury of working from 8 AM to 5 PM (get off work punctually).
2. limpas (to pass/walk by - Maaf, saya > limpas dulu? Excuse me, can I passby?
3. palui (stupid, duh! )
12. talampau (proper malay - "terlampau"- too much)
30. numbur ("nombor" - number)
54 Torrrrrbaik = The Best...lol
56. Tambirang = Don't lie.. (eg. Jangan kau tembirang)
57. Sabak ---- means baru ko tau... in english = I TOLD U...
66. taapun - a phrase used when unable to get the things desired
67. palis palis - touch wood
68 tachut - our version of touch wood
69. gostan - reverse
70. gohed - forward
71. ayuk - swinging movement of the arm in the marble game. can also mean to masturbate
74. Sepuluh Tiga (10-3) - RM10 for three cans of beer (well in those days lah)
75. mulau - crazy
76. takana - hit (BM is terkena)
77. tekuis - same like like takana
78. kapayas / tapayas - papaya
79. api api - kota kinabalu
80 (sia) bilang - said
81. skijap - soon / in a short while / later
82. tinguk - (tengok) to look
83. hari satu - monday
84. hari dua - tuesday
85. hari tiga - wednesday
86. hari ampat - thursday
87. hari lima - friday
88. hari anam - saturday
89. SOT - crazy
90. thai lingong - worse than buduh
91. karan - electricity

- - - - -
I say..: 6) - Not really, but I admit this are the most comfortable thins to wear and I occasionally wear it..
14) - for the non-bumiputra only..but sometimes even the bumiputra also don't have IC because their parent don't registered their birth since born then it must have been difficult for them to apply for IC. If they were going to apply..there are so many procedure they have to done..
17) -this were so common
19) - once my family own but my drunk cousin unintended throw it in deep shrubs..idiot drunker..
who know what atukkoi resembles??
For a friend.....
here i decided to upload some new songs that I think maybe she still don't have the mp3 songs yet...
psss/t :: Beba..cuba klik aja n save as..!!
- GANTUNG: http://files-upload.com/files/656223/01. GANTUNG.mp3
- SALAH by Lobow
- MUNAJAT - Ahmad Dhani & The Rock
- Letto- Sebelum cahaya
fooling around...I am not that kind of...
This is pretty fun :)
Natural Hair Color:
[ ] Brown - $100
[ ] Blonde - $50
[x] Black - $15
[ ] Bald - $5
[ ] Other-$75
Total: 15
Eye Color:
[x] Brown - $50
[ ] Green - $75
[ ] Blue $150
[ ] Hazel $100
[ ] Other - $15
Total so far: 65
Height:[ ] Over 7′ - $200
[ ] 6′8″ to 7′ - $175
[ ] 6′0″ to 6′7″ - $150
[ ] 5′5″ to 5′11″ - $75
[ ] 5′4″ to 5′10″ - $85
[x] Under 5′4 - $95
Total so far: 160
[ ] 50 to 56 - $175
[ ] 46 to 50 - $150
[ ] 41 to 45 - $125
[ ] 31 to 40 - $100
[ ] 26 to 30 - $75
[x] 21 to 25 - $50
[ ] 19 to 20 - $25
[ ] 0 to 18 - $100
Total so far: 210
Birth Order:
[ ] Twins or more than twins - $750
[ ] First Born - $320
[ ] Only Child - $250
[ ] second born - $150
[ ] Middle child - $100
[x] Last Born - $100
[ ] third born - $550
[ ] fourth born - $300
[ ] fifth born - $400
[ ] sixth born -$215
Total so far: 310
[x] I did like once - $400
[ ] Only Holidays - $250
[ ] Sometimes - $215
[ ] YES - $200
[ ] only weekends - $300
[ ] Every other day - $50
[ ] Once a day - $15
[ ] I live from the bottle -
$Bankrupt$ [[back to $ZERO]]
[ ] No - $600
Total so far: 710
[ ] perfect vision $400
[x] need or have glasses/ contacts but dont wear them $200
[ ] No correction $100
[ ] Glasses $50
[ ] contacts $25
[ ] Surgical correction -$100
Total so far: 910
Shoe Size:
[ ] 13+ - $300
[ ] 12 and a half to 13 - $250
[ ] 11 to 12 - $400
[ ] 7 to 10 - $500
[x] Under 7- $450
Total so far: 1360
Favorite Colors (two):
[ ] Green-$750
[ ] Red - $600
[ ] Black - $100
[ ] Yellow -$475
[ ] Brown - $300
[ ] Purple - $225
[x] White - $400
[ ] Aqua - $350
[ ] Orange - $300
[x] Blue - $300
[ ] Pink - $100
[ ] Others - $500
Total: 2060
Did you use a calculator to add it all
[ ] Yes $0
[x] Nope-add $1000
[ ] some- $750
Final Total: 3060
“I cost $ — a night
try it on..!!
refilling time
1.The song you've been most
singing to yourself recently?
:: Munajat - The Rock feat Ahmad Dhani
2. What do you currently want right
:: many....!! the most is finishing and completing and submit my thesis....!!
3. What did you do today?
:: important things..
4. What makes you happy?
:: family and friends, love, God
5. What have you been thinking about
most today?
:: thesis!! money..debts!!!!!
6. Do you ever just sit outside and
watch the stars?
:: yes..if I can but must be at the desired scene...
7. What is your current annoyance?
:: itik!!
8. Do you want a new cell phone?
:: dun hv any intention right now
9. Are you waiting for someone right
:: mmmmmm....nope
10 . Name one thing you're looking
forward to this week.
:: fieldwork!
1 1. Can you make new friends easily?
:: I dunno...ask my fans..**hehe
12. What would you do if your friend
turned gay?
:: shocked if in the before situation he doesn't like to be..
13. Do you plan out what you wear the
day before you wear it?
:: sometimes..but I keep it on mind only loooo
14 . Does everything you want, you get?
:: not at all..**sigh
15 . Have you ever fell for your
best friend?
:: oo..never
16. If you had a chance to save someone
significant to you, would you?
:: i wish i could..
17. How many times do you eat each
:: 2 times..
18. How do you cheer someone up?
:: depends on them..doing things that can makes them smile!!
19 . Are you a morning person?
:: hehe..maybe yes, maybe not
20 . Is it easier for you to fall
asleep or to be woken?
:: both..but actually it depends on situation
21. Think of one person, stick with
it. You don't have to say their name.
:: so what this mean?
22 . Would you pick them up alone 100
plus miles away if it was your
:: hah..**??
2 2 . Has your best friend ever hurt
your feelings?
:: there's a time it happened but just let it go...
Some political issue..

about the cartoonist whom publish a cartoon about the Prophet Muhammad. Those are the message:
" Berita nih mengenai kartunis yg lukis karikatur Rasulullah kita yg tercinta..Tlg sebar2kan kpd sumer yg beragama Islam mahupun bkan..The artist who drew the pictures of theProphet Mohammed (S.A.W) has died in afire. He was burned alive. Denmark government is hiding the news from the public and everyone has to know. Plzs spread this.... (Its the price one must pay 4 the insult of Allah's Prophet)Forward this to as many people as you can..."
Actually I don't know the truth of the story but I am interested to do some revision upon this story so this is what I'm gonna jotted down here...
The Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy began after twelve editorial cartoons, most of which depicted the Islamic prophet Muhammad, were published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten on 30 September 2005. The newspaper announced that this publication was an attempt to contribute to the debate regarding criticism of Islam and self-censorship.
Danish Muslim organizations, who objected to the depictions, responded by holding public protests attempting to raise awareness of Jyllands-Posten's publication. The controversy deepened when further examples of the cartoons were reprinted in newspapers in more than fifty other countries.
This led to protests across the Muslim world, some of which escalated into violence with police firing on the crowds (resulting in more than 100 deaths, altogether), including setting fire to the Norwegian and Danish Embassies in Syria, storming European buildings, and desecrating the and flags in Gaza City. While a number of Muslim leaders called for protesters to remain peaceful, other Muslim leaders across the globe, including Mahmoud al-Zahar of Hamas, issued death threats. Various groups, primarily in the Western world, responded by endorsing the Danish policies, including "Buy Danish" campaigns and other displays of support for free speech in Denmark.
Some critics of the cartoons described them as Islamophobic or racist, and argued that they are blasphemous to people of the Muslim faith, are intended to humiliate a Danish minority, or are a manifestation of ignorance about the history of Western imperialism. The imperialism referred to dates from colonialism to the current conflicts in the Middle East.
Supporters have said that the cartoons illustrated an important issue in a period of Islamist terrorism and that their publication is a legitimate exercise of the right of free speech. They also claim that similar cartoons about other are frequently printed, arguing that the followers of Islam were not targeted in a discriminatory way.
Some of the cartoon can be view here.
September 17, 2005:
The Danish newspaper Politiken ran an article under the headline "Dyb angst for kritik af islam" ("Profound fear of criticism of Islam"). The article discussed the difficulty encountered by the writer Kåre Bluitgen, who was initially unable to find an illustrator who was prepared to work with Bluitgen on his children's book Koranen og profeten Muhammeds liv (English: The Qur'an and the life of the Prophet Muhammad ISBN 87-638-0049-7). Three artists declined Bluitgen's proposal before one agreed to assist anonymously. According to Bluitgen:
"One [artist declined], with reference to the murder in Amsterdam of the film director Theo van Gogh, while another [declined, citing the attack on] the lecturer at the Carsten Niebuhr Institute in Copenhagen.
A lecturer at the Niebuhr institute at the University of Copenhagen had been assaulted by five assailants who opposed his reading of the Qur'an to non-Muslims during a lecture.
The refusal of the first three artists to participate was seen as evidence of self-censor ism and led to much debate in Denmark, with other examples for similar reasons soon emerging. Comedian Frank Hvam declared that he would (hypothetically) dare to urinate on the Bible on television, but not on the Qur'an. The translators of an essay collection critical of Islam also wished to remain anonymous due to concerns about violent reprisals
30 SEPTEMBER 2005:
The Jyllands-Posten published an article entitled "Muhammeds ansigt" ("The face of Muhammad"). The article consisted of twelve cartoons (of which only some depicted Muhammad) and an explanatory text, in which Flemming Rose, Jyllands-Posten's culture editor, commented:
""The modern, secular society is rejected by some Muslims. They demand a special position, insisting on special consideration of their own religious feelings. It is incompatible with contemporary democracy and freedom of speech, where you must be ready to put up with insults, mockery and ridicule. It is certainly not always attractive and nice to look at, and it does not mean that religious feelings should be made fun of at any price, but that is of minor importance in the present context. [...] we are on our way to a slippery slope where no-one can tell how the self-censorship will end. That is why Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten has invited members of the Danish editorial cartoonists union to draw Muhammad as they see him.""
In October 2005, the Danish daily Politiken polled thirty-one of the forty-three members of the Danish cartoonist association. Twenty-three said they would be willing to draw Muhammad. One had doubts, one would not be willing because of fear of possible reprisals and six cartoonists would not be willing because they respected the Muslim ban on depicting the prophet.
Even though I am not a radical Muslim, but I am shocked to hear this, and this is an insult to ISLAM. Lets see what the response from the Muslim worldwide....
A consumer boycott was organised in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other Middle East countries. For weeks, numerous notable demonstrations and other protests against the cartoons took place worldwide. Rumours spread via SMS and word-of-mouth. On February 4, 2006, the Danish and Norwegian embassies in Syria were set ablaze, though with no injuries. In Beirut, the Danish Embassy was set on fire, leaving one protester dead. Altogether, at least 139 people were killed in protests (by police firing on the crowds), mainly in Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Several death threats and reward offers for killing those responsible for the cartoons have been made, resulting in the cartoonists going into hiding. Four ministers have resigned amidst the controversy, among them Roberto Calderoli and Laila Freivalds. In India, Haji Yaqoob Qureishi, a minister in Uttar Pradesh state government announced in February 2006 a cash reward of Rs 51 crore (roughly about US$11 million) for anyone who beheads 'the Danish cartoonist' who caricatured Prophet Mohammad. Subsequently, a case was filed against the minister in the Lucknow district court in Uttar Pradesh and demands were made for the sacking of the minister by eminent Muslim scholars in New Delhi. Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State of the United States of America has accused Iran and Syria of organizing many of the recent protests in Iran, Syria and Lebanon.
The Western media dubbed the series of demonstrations organized in February 2006 by certain Middle Eastern governments and radical clerics as the "Cartoon Intifada".
On September 9, 2006, it was announced that the Muslim boycott of Danish goods had reduced global exports by 15.5%, which was contributed to by a decline of Middle East exports by approximately 50%, costing about €134 million. However, the Guardian newspaper in the UK also reported, "While Danish milk products were dumped in the Middle East, fervent rightwing Americans started buying Bang & Olufsen stereos and Lego. In the first quarter of this year Denmark’s exports to the US soared 17%."
A Muslim Cleric, Omar Bakri Mohammed, was banned from Britain for his radical views, has called for capital punishment for cartoonists who dare depict the Prophet Muhammad.
Omar Bakri Mohammed then says upon this ban..
"We are not saying ourselves to go there and start to look to him and kill him, we are not talking about that. We are talking about Islamic rules. If anybody insults the prophet, he will have to take a punishment,"
After all I believe that some of the cartoonist was actually burnt..Actually I am not being radical here but as human being we should respect others belief, their prohibition on their religions. It is clear that Muslim forbids any pictorial representation of Prophet Muhammad, then the others as a civilized people should understand that and RESPECT it. This is how civilization going on......
wish I could- 3.a.m

3.32 a.m - Written post
:: I am a lil bit busy this week and next week..
I really wish to post blog as to update it everyday but ideas just dont come in a flash and I am so busy doing some assignment..
3.34 a.m - Many thing happened
:: There are many things happened this week. And i want to jot it down here but just when I started to think to post something here, the assignment..assignment comes to my mind..heeeeeeee
3.36 a.m - I want to get sleep...
Girl..don't be that mad-hot...
marahmu yg kian menjadi
membuatku tak mengerti
nadamu yg terus meninggi
penuh dng emosi
* mungkin saja aku yg salah
yg selalu memanjakanmu
dan seringnya aku mengalah
menuruti semua inginmu
reff: andai kau bisa pahami dirimu
menghargai aku sedikit saja
karena aku bukanlah musuhmu
aku kekasihmu
repeat *
repeat reff
marahmu yg kian menjadi
membuatku tak mengerti
Sumber: LirikLaguIndonesia.Net
hehe, it almost 2 a.m now..
Does handwriting really says about our true self..??
haha, hey there friends..why don't you try it too...
What Your Handwriting Says About You |
![]() You are a fairly energetic person. You know how do pace yourself, and you deal well with stress. You are very extroverted and outgoing. You are loving, friendly, and supportive. However, you are also manipulative and controlling at times. You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others. You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well. You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart. You are a good communicator. You work hard to get your ideas across effectively. |
Its true fergie..big girls don't cry!

I need some shelter of my own protection baby
Be with myself in center, clarity, peace, serenity
It's personal, myself and I
We got some straightening out to do
And not gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've gotta get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry Don't cry, Dont cry, Dont cry
The path that I'm walking,
I must go alone I must take the baby steps til I'm full grown
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending do they
And I forseek the dark ahead if I stay
Like a little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
I'll be your best friend
And you'll be my valentine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to
Cuz I wanna hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But it's time for me to go home
It's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself in center, clarity, peace, serenity
..Fergie has sang this song very good, why I like this song is because - when i search songs on www.seekasong.com, the titles interested me - I have always been crying sometimes, then when I re-think again I already a twenty-years-girl now, I've grown to be a big girls...
- I like the phrase
I must go alone
I must take the baby steps til I'm full grown
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending do they"
- I want to keep in my mind, my body, my pulse, and I want to tell to myself;
Taking Break !!
open or closed?
close, sometimes open..
2. Do you take the shampoos and
conditioner bottles from hotel?
depends if its something nice i think..haha..bad habit nii...but we already pay to use it ba..
3. Do you sleep with your sheets
tucked in or out?
tuck in..
4. Have you ever stolen a street sign
oh..i never do that..
5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
6. Do you cut out coupons but then
never use them?
I don't cut it because i hardly will use them..
7. Would you rather be attacked by a
big bear or a swarm of a bees?
other choice??
8 . Do you have freckles?
9. Do you always smile for pictures?
depends on the narcism mode..hehe
10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
11. Do you ever count your steps when
you walk?
hohoho..I'll try someday..
12. Have you ever peed in the woods?
mm..as long as I remembered it never happened..
13. What about pooped in the woods?
14. Do you ever dance even if there's
no music playing?
yes..but it depends on mood
15. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
16. How many people have you slept
with this week?
with my sister and my nephew
17. What size is your bed?
single, but queen at home
18. What is your Song of the week?
mm..haven't decided yet..
19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
depends..but I don't think I like it
20. Do you still watch cartoons?
yeah..why not..
21. Whats your least favorite movie?
22. Where would you bury hidden
treasure if you had some?
a very unsuspectingly place
23. What do you drink with dinner?
air kosong
24. What do you dip a chicken nugget
sos cili
25. What is your favorite food?
all the hot-spicy food
26. What movies could you watch over
and over and still love?
my sassy girl film
27. Last person you kissed/kissed you?
2 8. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
yes..a girl scout
29. Would you ever strip or pose nude
in a magazine?
in an if situation..
30. When was the last time you wrote a
letter to someone on paper?
long time ago may be..
31. Can you change the oil on a car?
32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
speedtrap u mean?
34. Favorite kind of sandwich?
35 Best thing to eat for breakfast?
I prefer biscuit, bread or nasi with lauk n drink hot coffee/tea/Milo
36. What is your usual bedtime?
its never been usual..
37. Are you lazy?
yes..but sometimes I think I am the most hardworking girl...haha
38. When you were a kid, did you dress
up for Halloween?
never celebrate it
39. What is your Chinese astrological
sign ?
I was born on year of mice
40. How many languages can you speak?
4 languages
41. Do you have any magazine
subscrip tions?
42.. Which are better Legos or Lincoln
43. Are you stubborn?
44. Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
letter man
45. Ever watch soap operas?
what is sp?
46. Afraid of heights?
love em
47. Sing in the car?
yes.with all my sibling.
48. Dance in the shower?
49. Dance in the car?
50. Ever used a gun?
51. Last time you got a portrait taken
by a photographer?
I am a photographer..
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
53. Is Christmas stressful?
never think of it
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
i wish i know that stuff..
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
56. Occupations you wanted to be when
you were a kid?
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
59. Take a vitamin daily?
I hope i can take it..I just started taking spirulina today
60. Wear slippers?
61. Wear a bath robe?
6 2. What do you wear to bed?
something comfortable..
63. First concert?
I'll announce it later..
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
6 5. Nike or Adidas?
66.Cheetos Or Fritos?
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds.
68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
69. Ever take dance lessons?
70. Is there a profession you picture
your future spouse doing?
Something that can make money..in a proper way.
71. Can you curl your tongue?
yes..wanna see it?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
73. Have you ever cried because you
were so happy?
74. Own any record albums?
75. Own a record player?
76. Regularly burn incense?
77. Ever been in love?
78. Who would you like to see in
79. Who was your last text from?
80.Hot tea or cold tea?
hot tea
81.Tea or coffee?
82. Sugar or snickerdoodles?
83.Can you swim well?
8 4.Can you hold your breath without
holding your nose?
yes..for 2 minutes..my last record that
8 5. Are you patient?
yes..i think
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
87.Ever won a contest?
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
I wish i can do a plastic surgery on ... ( secret, but it is sure not a breast surgery!!)
89. Which are better black or green
90.Can you knit or crochet?
91. Best room for a fireplace?
Living room.
92. Do you want to get married?
93. If married, how long have you been
I want to be forever...
94. Who are your celebrity crushes?
ohhoo...all the handsome celebrity..
95. Do you cry and throw a fit until
you get your own way?
9 6. Do you have kids?
No yet
9 7. Do you want kids?
Yes. 3 or 4.
98. Whats your favorite color?
white, blue
99. Do you miss anyone right now?
1 00. Did you watch Next Great American
Band on FOX?
My Tuesday activity
Talking bout the quiz..it's quite interesting, my lecturer En.Yaakob is a "skema" type of lecturer and he giving us a piece pf paper then he read the questions and we answers it. It was like a primary school quiz i think..( memory of primary's hit me..huhu)..and in fact En Yaakob is a kind lecturer, he give us clues and also answers on some of the question..haha..what a quiz..
reaching at home, I then do my environmental economics..haha..just 2 question but I'm kind of confused on the calculation that i've done..learning the environmental economic actually a great and fun lesson..finally i just can't go on anymore..I'm surrendering to my sleepy mood..went for a sleep for about 1 and half hour.
I don't really understand why I can't sleep for hours like other..Other people can sleep for about 12 hours and I just can't..there is always something..it is like my alarm instinct that wake me up..It always been like that..
I'm thinking about some craps that keep hanging in my mind..I really don't understand and I don't expect for such things to happened .. I want a peace life...!
Going Back!!!! Yuhuu...

Finally, it's time to go home.. Back for Aidilfitri.. But I'm kinda busy this week with all those assignment and quiz tomorrow..a student's pathetic life!
then again I have to buy all those thing my sisters told me to buy here..such messy thing in my brain right now but not my behaving okay..Hehe
then again I have to bring all those assignment and make sure it wiil be completed by the time I come to KL again!!
Environmental Economic, Research Methodology and the most important thing my research this sem...!!
infact, I still don't have a new baju raya for this aidilfitri..
haha..I'm thinking of wearing a dress for raya..hehe
It's kinda a bit stressing here actually..I'm having a hard time right now..but thanks to all those surrounding me which keep cheering me up..keeping their ear to heard ol those nonsense feeling..hahaha
I's great to have you all!!
And I'm gratefully happy mumbling, shitting ol those nonsense thing in my mind in this blog..
I hope going back will make me more at ease..feeling the breeze of home..
then when I'll go back here i dun have the same burden like what it feels right now...
Technology never die..
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Do we woman are that vulnerable?
There a time when I used to go alone whether to KL or other places ( if no one to accompany, (*_^) actually), and while going alone, its really feel like we are free, independent and brave woman. But come to think again, after those bumps of cases, news of the violence act of woman, it make me afraid, its seems like there is no safe zone anymore in Malaysia. Is this what a woman should confront with? Positively thinking, we cannot be guarded 24 hours by men. Not saying that this is restraining us, the girls..woman, but there are time when we have to stand on our on foot and doing things on ourself.
The criminal for woman are so terrible. I wonder if some people has lose the sense of guilty. Killing is a seriously a bad manner. What really makes them unsatisfied with this world, when they have to act like God to take other peoples life. Frankly speaking, I am so what to say, tidak habis fikir why woman that should be a victim for a violence crime. Above all that, I just praying that someday those heartless, brainless man will be punished by the sins of crime that has been committed.
Gonna luv dis song as a favourite 'ol time
Get on stage and play the guitar
Make a little money, buy a fancy car
Big old house and an alligator
Just to match with them alligator shoes
He's a rich man so he's no longer singing the blues
He's singing songs about material things
And platinum rings and watches that go bling
But, diamonds don't bling in the dark
He a star now, but he ain't singing from the heart
Sooner or later he's just gonna fall apart
Coz his fans can't relate to his new found art
He ain't doing what he did from the start
And that's putting in some feeling and thought
He decided to live his life shallow
Passion is love for material
And its gone... gone... going...
Gone... everything gone... give a damn...
Gone be the birds when they don't want to sing...
Gone people... up awkward with their things... gone.
You see yourself in the mirror
And you feel safe coz it looks familiar
But you afraid to open up your soul
Coz you don't really know, don't really know
Who is, the person that's deep within
Coz you are content with just being the naôve brown man
And you fail to see that its trivial
Insignificant, you addicted to material
I've seen your kind before
Your the type that thinks souls is sold in a store
Packaged up with inscent sticks
With them vegetarian meals
To you that's righteous
You're fiction like books
You need to go out to life and look
Coz... what happens when they take your material
You already sold your soul and its...
You say that time is money and money is time
So you got mind in your money and your money on your mind
But what about... that crime that you did to get paid
And what about... that bid, you can't take it to your brain
Why you on about those shoes you'll wear today
They'll do no good on the bridges you've walked along the way
All that money that you got gonna be gone
That gear that you rock gonna be gone
The house up on the hill gonna be gone
The gold -- on your grill gonna be gone
The ice on your wrist gonna be gone
That nice little Miss gonna be gone
That whip that you roll gonna be gone
And what's worst is your soul will be gone
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The Mysteries of Fasting the month of Ramadhan
The Mysteries of Fasting
the Month of Ramadan
Imam Ghazzali
There are three degrees of fasting: 1. The fast of the ordinary person. The fast of the ordinary person as described above consists of the abstinence of appetite, sexual intercourse, noise, arguing etc ... In addition to the fara'id, obligations of the fast, the seeker may advance in his practice by observation of the traditions (Sunnah) of the Holy Prophet, upon whom be peace.
The Fast of the Select FewThe fast of the select few is that of keeping the ears, eyes, tongue, hands, feet together with all the other senses free from sin. These virtuous people free themselves from sin in six ways: 1. Refraining from looking at anything that is blameworthy or disapproved. Jabir, on the authority of Anas related that the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said: "There are five things that break the fast; telling lies, backbiting, telling tales, perjury, covetousness and lustful eyes." 2. Keeping the tongue free from ranting and raving, lying, backbiting, tale-telling, obscenity, abusive speech, wrangling, and hypocrisy. Rather, one should busy oneself with the remembrance and exaltation of Allah, as well as the recitation of the Holy Koran - this is the fasting of the tongue. 3. Closing the ears to all that is reprehensible. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said: "The backbiter and the listeners are partners in sin." 4. Constraint of the rest of the senses from sin. Restraining the hand from evil, curbing the foot for the pursuit of wickedness, avoidance of questionable foods at the break of the fast. "Many receive nothing from the fast except hunger and thirst." This hadith has been explained as referring to the person who breaks the fast on unlawful food and drink. It has also been explained as referring to people who abstain from halal food and break the fast on the flesh of men through illicit backbiting, also, that it refers to the person who does not keep his senses free from sin. 5. Over indulgence when breaking the fast, even when the food is halal. The spirit as well as the secret of fasting is to weaken the flesh which is satan's tool for turning mankind back to evil. 6. After breaking the fast, the heart should remain in a state of suspense between fear and hope as one does not know whether the fast has been accepted. "Al Ahnaf, son of Kays was once told: "You are an old man, and fasting will make you weak." He replied: "This fast is my preparation for a long journey. Indeed, to endure the yoke in the service of Allah is easier than to endure the yoke of His wrath. The fasting person who is not truly fasting is the one, who while in a state of hunger and thirst allows himself every freedom in sin. But the one who truly understands fasting and its secret knows that whosoever abstains from food, drink, sexual intercourse but commits all manner of sins is like the person who, in performing the ablution runs his hand over one of his limbs thrice, thereby outwardly fulfilling the Law as far as the limb is concerned, but neglecting the truly important thing which is the actual washing. Consequently because of his ignorance, his prayer is rejected. Whereas, the one who breaks the fast through eating but observes it by keeping himself free from sin is like the person who, in performing the ablution, washes each of the limbs of his body once only. His prayers are, by the will of Allah, accepted because he has fulfilled the principal thing in the ablution although he has failed to fulfill its details. But whosoever does both is like the person who, in performing the ablution, washes each limb of his body thrice, thereby fulfilling both the principal purpose of ablution as well as its elaborate details which constitutes perfection. The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him said: "Indeed, fasting is a trust; let each, therefore, take good care of his trust." When he recited the verse "Allah orders you all to hand back the trusts to their owners ..." he raised his hands so that they touched his ears and eyes and said: "The gift of hearing and sight are each a trust from Allah." Similarly, the gift of speech is a trust, for if it were not so the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, would not have said: "If anyone disputes with another and swears at him, let the latter say 'I am fasting, I am fasting." It is clear, then, that every act of worship possesses an outward form and an internal form - an external husk and internal pith. The husks are of different grades and each grade has different layers. It is for you to choose whether to be content with the husk or join the company of the wise and learned. |
The Fast of the EliteThe fast of the elite is the fast of the heart from bad thoughts, worldly worries and anything else that may divert from anything but thoughts of Allah. The Fast of the Elite means fasting of the heart from unworthy concerns and worldly thoughts, in total disregard of everything but God, Great and Glorious is He. This kind of Fast is broken by thinking of worldly matters, except for those conducive to religious ends, since these constitute provision for the Hereafter and are not of this lower world. Those versed in the spiritual life of the heart have even said that a sin is recorded against one who concerns himself all day with arrangements for breaking his Fast. Such anxiety stems from lack of trust in the bounty of God, Great and Glorious is He, and from lack of certain faith in His promised sustenance. It is related of al-Hasan ibn Abil Hasan al-Basri that he once passed by a group of people who were laughing merrily. He said: 'God, Great and Glorious is He, has made the month of Ramadan a racecourse, on which His creatures compete in His worship. Some have come in first and won, while others have lagged behind and lost. It is absolutely amazing to find anybody laughing and playing about on the day when success attends the victors, and failure the wasters. By God, if the veil were lifted off, the doer of good would surely be preoccupied with his good works and the evildoer with his evil deeds.' In too full of joy to indulge in idle sport, while for one who has suffered rejection laughter will be precluded by remorse. Of al-Ahnaf ibn Qays it is reported that he was once told: 'You are an aged elder; Fasting would enfeeble you.' But he replied: 'By this I am making ready for a long journey, Obedience to God, Glorified is He, is easier to endure than His punishment.' Such are the inwardly significant meanings of Fasting.