All I wanna say here is I am being homealone...
Really hate it to be like that but I think that how world is going on..
When I woke up tommorow, its just another new day in 365 days..
So the thing I am gonna write is that I am putting a new hit counter on my blog..
so don't think that I just kinda started my blog you there...

I have been watching a series of HEROES, the complete first seasons. The truth is i just started watching it yesterday, and I barely finish watching all of them just now (about 3 a.m in the morning). It consist of seven DVD. I just feeling curious about the next story while watching it and right now I am too curious to know about the second season.
I like Heroes. (But love Grey's Anatomy.) I'm currently watching the second season. Downloaded it from the internet. (my sister did all the downloading so don't ask).
mau nntn heroes jg...
bli ya???
coba d kirim itu video nya..
atau d upload d multiply..
utk saya gituu..
hehe..sorry Nina..dvd heroes tu pun pinjam ja..;)
if I hv time I'll upload it for you..anything i will inform you...
Beey, just to keep you updated: Heroes S3 will be out in Feb. ;)
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