As I browsing to look information on traditional tips on healthy food, I found something about pineapples. I discover interesting fact about what pineapple and found out some myth about pineapple aren't just true.
1 . Pineapple can lead to abortion - ( )
Actually there isn't a detailed research on this but pineapple actually has a great amount of vitamin C and its good for pregnancy. But it is recommended for the pregnant women to avoid eating the immature pineapple because it may lead to abortion.
2. Pineapple can reduce weight - ( wwwooooww)
How? I do know actually but this is the tips on reducing weight using pineapples juice:
- Prepare a pineapple
- cut and blend it to make a pineapple juice (a)
- filter the (a) so that you can get the juice only
- Drink it all
- It is recommended to do this twice a day
For constipation, pineapple juice can reduce constipation.
- prepare an immature pineapple
- peel the pineapple and wash clean
- blend it to get the juice
- Drink it twice after meals (1/2 glass each)
I say: The old folks has make many discovery long time ago. Just imagine at that time, there is no doctor for them to go, they just depending on the traditional, the natural food, plant and fruit to cure the illness that come. We who live in the modern living nowadays should practice the old folks tips to have a healthy diet and life. Its good to back to basic. Prevention is better than medication.
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