Its been a week since I put my last post. At first the internet connection become slower and I couldn't even connect to the server. Well I do not know the cause for it.but..Just forget about it. I am feeling kind of deplorable at this moment. There are people done some bad thing about me, doing something using my name and my bf. Slandering me. What the hell is that 'person' really intended to do. It bullshit! Bladispulpark! I don't want to do any suspicion even thought my instinct keep telling me, keep me thinking about the 'person' that is likely to be behind this all.
I don't want to hate people, and if someone there hating me, don't like me..I don't give a damn about it as long they don't disturbed my life, my happiness, my circle and soo on. But this one is really irritating. DAMN!!!
People are just pathetic. Really pathetic. Sometimes its really important to have a not 100% faith on others. Putting such a high value of faith on others may just hurt you someday. People learn through their true experience. I learn through my 23 years old experience, observant and I just cannot really going to accept this kind of slander, defamation and so on. God bless the truth. The truth is out there. But will the truth reveals by it self?

owh.. calm down..
rmmbr.. karma is always come to collect.
let that damn slander do he/she wants to do.
apa yg betul, nti pasti akan nampak jugak.
dont worry about that dear, ALLAH maha ADIL.
sperti how easy im taking what u said to me a couple of days b4.. myb 4 some other people, when ur bestfren asks u whether u r already Ml with ur bf will makes u kinda shock or something like that.. n suddenly u feel like living in an empty space coz ur bestfren did not replied. heh.
mgkn, sepatutnye nina terkejut n marah2.. y do u buy that kinda story. but, i laugh at it. it's the easiest way to handle a thing like that.
ramai di dunia ni yg jd backstabber or kinda slander.. so, my advice.. laugh at it. heheh.. okay? ;p
hey..hey..nina..well I'm not kinda of selling story bout you, you know dat person rite..and how insecurities is her mumbles..well I don't give too much faith with that..everybody have their own life rite...I even may get that kind of bad talk maybe..well who knows..there a many people out there that just don't want our life to be happy as we are, it is like something bad about us should be talk..just let it go and as you said (AGREE WITH YOU) just laugh at it..KETAWAKAN c ITIK!!!! oo ya..dis damn slander not a story like what we are mentioning..it a story of envy and jealousy..kind of that laa...
hahha.. u got it rite.. :)
still the same person i know.
well, c ITIK itu akan mendapat kan balasan. hehe.. just wait n see ;p
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