Do we woman are that vulnerable?

I have been reading the latest abduction cases, homicide, rape and so on where the victim are female. They have been so many cases that make me wonder, are we, woman are that vulnerable. ..?I focus this scope on woman that have been unbearable violently by man. Where's the humanity traits other man have...?How come it vanished??

There a time when I used to go alone whether to KL or other places ( if no one to accompany, (*_^) actually), and while going alone, its really feel like we are free, independent and brave woman. But come to think again, after those bumps of cases, news of the violence act of woman, it make me afraid, its seems like there is no safe zone anymore in Malaysia. Is this what a woman should confront with? Positively thinking, we cannot be guarded 24 hours by men. Not saying that this is restraining us, the girls..woman, but there are time when we have to stand on our on foot and doing things on ourself.

The criminal for woman are so terrible. I wonder if some people has lose the sense of guilty. Killing is a seriously a bad manner. What really makes them unsatisfied with this world, when they have to act like God to take other peoples life. Frankly speaking, I am so what to say, tidak habis fikir why woman that should be a victim for a violence crime. Above all that, I just praying that someday those heartless, brainless man will be punished by the sins of crime that has been committed.


mademoiselle marlia said...

Hey ahahhaha ko blum tgk blog aku yang lawa tu lagiiii ahhaha au punya blog lama dah aku nda update. sejak aku putus chenta. Semua dalam blog tu crap sangat2!! so, aku bagi private...bukan suma org boleh pegi baca tau.. kalau ko mau bagi aku account gmail ko, aku add kan supaya ko bleh baca. tapi banyak entry yang interesting lah juga. tunggu aku berchenta lagi baru aku tulis entry. hehehehehehehe

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