~Mirror, mirror in the world, who is the fairest in the world~
Hell, you not stepping on the real world. Beauty is not on the look of the beholder. Actually its irritating and troublesome to look, observe and think of other people but sometimes we just can't get away of it.
I'm listening to Beyonce song's ~Don't fight the feeling~ right now. Its just a good song to describe my feeling. Sick of facing the troublesome things in life. Thinking of my friends, my primary school mates, high school mates and my matriculation mates..they just lovable..
Then I realized, we cannot to depending on other, even though they are your truly friend.
hey there my friendzz, how are you all now??
Hell, you not stepping on the real world. Beauty is not on the look of the beholder. Actually its irritating and troublesome to look, observe and think of other people but sometimes we just can't get away of it.
I'm listening to Beyonce song's ~Don't fight the feeling~ right now. Its just a good song to describe my feeling. Sick of facing the troublesome things in life. Thinking of my friends, my primary school mates, high school mates and my matriculation mates..they just lovable..
Then I realized, we cannot to depending on other, even though they are your truly friend.
hey there my friendzz, how are you all now??
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