Click - klik


feeling deprorable song

I just want to hear this song at this moment...

Damn slander

Its been a week since I put my last post. At first the internet connection become slower and I couldn't even connect to the server. Well I do not know the cause for it.but..Just forget about it. I am feeling kind of deplorable at this moment. There are people done some bad thing about me, doing something using my name and my bf. Slandering me. What the hell is that 'person' really intended to do. It bullshit! Bladispulpark! I don't want to do any suspicion even thought my instinct keep telling me, keep me thinking about the 'person' that is likely to be behind this all.

I don't want to hate people, and if someone there hating me, don't like me..I don't give a damn about it as long they don't disturbed my life, my happiness, my circle and soo on. But this one is really irritating. DAMN!!!

People are just pathetic. Really pathetic. Sometimes its really important to have a not 100% faith on others. Putting such a high value of faith on others may just hurt you someday. People learn through their true experience. I learn through my 23 years old experience, observant and I just cannot really going to accept this kind of slander, defamation and so on. God bless the truth. The truth is out there. But will the truth reveals by it self?


Healthy Diet

As I browsing to look information on traditional tips on healthy food, I found something about pineapples. I discover interesting fact about what pineapple and found out some myth about pineapple aren't just true.

1 . Pineapple can lead to abortion - ( )

Actually there isn't a detailed research on this but pineapple actually has a great amount of vitamin C and its good for pregnancy. But it is recommended for the pregnant women to avoid eating the immature pineapple because it may lead to abortion.

2. Pineapple can reduce weight - ( wwwooooww)

How? I do know actually but this is the tips on reducing weight using pineapples juice:
  • Prepare a pineapple
  • cut and blend it to make a pineapple juice (a)
  • filter the (a) so that you can get the juice only
  • Drink it all
  • It is recommended to do this twice a day
3. Constipation

For constipation, pineapple juice can reduce constipation.
  • prepare an immature pineapple
  • peel the pineapple and wash clean
  • blend it to get the juice
  • Drink it twice after meals (1/2 glass each)

I say: The old folks has make many discovery long time ago. Just imagine at that time, there is no doctor for them to go, they just depending on the traditional, the natural food, plant and fruit to cure the illness that come. We who live in the modern living nowadays should practice the old folks tips to have a healthy diet and life. Its good to back to basic. Prevention is better than medication.


Putting the new hit counter

All I wanna say here is I am being homealone...
Really hate it to be like that but I think that how world is going on..
When I woke up tommorow, its just another new day in 365 days..

So the thing I am gonna write is that I am putting a new hit counter on my blog..
so don't think that I just kinda started my blog you there...

I have been watching a series of HEROES, the complete first seasons. The truth is i just started watching it yesterday, and I barely finish watching all of them just now (about 3 a.m in the morning). It consist of seven DVD. I just feeling curious about the next story while watching it and right now I am too curious to know about the second season.


You sure always been aware of this fact, but have you really try this ?

Thanks for an email from my friend Gutty on Turn Off Your Handphone at Gas Stations. This email i think really useful for all of us for being more aware about our safety while using phone while in filling station.

First :

Let's try..

The cards strip are ready..then

put the cooking foil

put the petrol..make sure its a petrol since we doing this experiment regarding filling station

Use your phone..


More calls...


What you see Is something true..

I Say: People just not aware if they doesn't really experiencing it right..


The story about monday

Ever thinking about how come a week is consist of 7 days?

Practical geometrical theories:

If you wrap a rubber band around 7 soda cans (or any other convenient circular objects). You get a perfect hexagon with the 7th can in the middle. It is the only stable configuration of wrapping more than 3 circular objects. Four, 5, and 6 objects will slip from one configuration to another. Ancients wrapping tent poles, small logs for firewood, or other ciruclar objects might have come upon this number and attach a mystical significance to it.

One viable theory correlates the seven day week to the seven (astrological) "planets" known to the ancients: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.

The number seven does not seem an obvious choice to match lunar or solar periods, however.

A solar year could be more evenly divided into weeks of 5 days, and the moon phases five-day and six-day weeks make a better short term fit (6 times 5 is 30) to the lunar (synodic) month (of about 29.53 days) than the current week (4 times 7 is 28).

The seven-day week may have been chosen because its length approximates one moon phase (one quarter = 29.53 / 4 = 7.3825).

Ever thinking if there is another system that different with our 7 days a week?

Try to think of this:
If you define a "week" as a 7-day period, obviously the answer is no. But if you define a "week" as a named interval that is greater than a day and smaller than a month, the answer is yes.

Do you know
ancient Egyptians used a 10-day "week".
And Maya calendar uses a 13 and a 20-day "week".

There is a story about monday, the words monday gets it names from the Moon, which in turn gets its name from Mani (Old English Mona), the Germanic Moon god (Wikipedia).
Similarly, the names in Latin-based languages such as the Italian name (Lunedi), the French name (lundi), the Spanish name (Lunes), and the Romanian name (Luni) come from the Latin name for Moon, luna. The Russian word, eschewing pagan names, is понедельник (poniediélnik), meaning "after Sunday." In most of the Indian Languages, the word for Monday is Somvar, with Soma being the Sanskrit name for the moon. The Japanese word for Monday is getsuyōbi (月曜日) which means day of the moon.

Monday is held to be the first day of the week. This is the case in most of Europe, parts of Africa, South America and Australia. In Asia – because the western calendar system was introduced only during the 20th century – many languages refer to Monday as the "day of the beginning". For example, Monday is xingqi yi in Chinese, meaning day one of the week. The international standard, ISO 8601, defines Monday as the first day of the week.

But according to the Judeo-Christian count, Monday is the second day, the first being Sunday. This is also the standard format in Canada and the United States. Its name in Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Persian, Portuguese and Syriac means "second day". Quakers also traditionally refer to Monday as "Second Day" eschewing the pagan origin of the English name "Monday". For similar reasons the official liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church refers to Monday as "Feria II". (The Portuguese name for Monday reflects this, as do all the days' names except Saturday and Sunday: the Portuguese word for Monday is segunda-feira.)
In some state in Malaysia (Kelantan) also make monday as the second day in a week, so sunday is their first day in a week.

Modern culture usually looks at Monday as the beginning of the workweek, as it is typically Monday when adults go back to work and children back to school after the weekend. Thus, Mondays are often seen as a misfortune. In Middle Eastern countries, however, the beginning of the workweek is usually Saturday (Thursday and Friday are observed as the weekend). In Israel, Sunday is the first day of the workweek. Friday is half a work day and Friday night and Saturday are the Sabbath.

In the folk rhyme, "Monday's child is fair of face".

It is Monday when commodity markets add or subtract weather premium, hence the nickname Weather Market Monday.

In Thailand, the color associated with Monday is yellow.
Why people always hate Monday?

I say: because it is first week in their country where the first week to work/ go to school / attending classes../ or what so ever, where their weekend haven't been enough breaks for them..


Give and Take - Yoga Journal Newsletter

Give and Take

In one sense, generosity is natural: We can no more help giving than we can live without the support of everything we receive. Verses in the Vedas describe the generosity of the natural elements, the way the earth supports us without ever demanding thanks, the way the sun shines and the rain falls.

But if our essence is naturally generous, the ego fears not having enough, worries about getting hurt or losing out, feels anxious at the thought of looking silly or getting ripped off, and, above all, looks for a payoff. So for most of us, there's a continual push-pull that pits our natural generosity and genuine desire to share against the ego's feeling of lack and its desire to drive a bargain.

Use your daily meditation, or just put aside a few minutes every day, to practice offering blessings or prayers for another's welfare. Then mentally touch each person with your awareness and ask that he or she be blessed. As you do this, also observe your own state. Notice whether reluctance or smugness arises. If so, don't judge yourself; simply see whether you can hold these feelings in awareness. Often, that awareness will allow them to change.

If you common with yoga try to do this every morning, after you wake up, take time to sit in a proper posture, breathe, let the oxygen run through your whole body.

Think about generousity, think positive and try to throw all the negative or bad thought of your mind. Yoga is not only about being physically health but for a mentally and purist inner self.

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Reposting the : You are true Sabahan when...

I receive this email long time ago...

Subject: Fw: You are a true Sabahan when......
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 11:04:33 +0800

from my ex-officer while doing internship / industrial training while undergraduate..
Even I have posted in
but since the bulletin in friendster only allow for 1000 word then it shouldn't be these complete..

You are a true Sabahan when...

1) You drive at right lane of the road, with a speed of only 50 KM/H. If people horn behind you, you still don't know what's wrong.

2) You have the luxury of working from 8 AM to 5 PM (get off work punctually).

3) You don't believe that there is any "clean" politician in Sabah.

4) You feel "obligated" to reach the top of Mount Kinabalu at least once in a lifetime.

5) You prefer a big car than a big house (probably you can't drive a big house around to show off).

6) You wear slipper and short wherever you go, even in city.

7) You still think that Labuan belongs to Sabah.

8) You will not go to any FREE seminar / function that has no food or refreshment.

9) You don't care about service. You just want things cheap, cheap, cheap.

10) You know where to get your candles and torch light quickly in the total darkness (due to training by frequent blackout).

11) You know what "aramaitiee" means...

12) You shout "referee bodoh" and at the same time throw mineral water bottles on the pitch during a football match at Likas Stadium..

13) Your Timorese maid ran away with her lover, taking your money or jewellery along..

14) You doubt someone's mykad whether it is real or fake..

15) Your favorite assemblyman whom you vote and supported all this while...gambled away and lost a whopping 60 million ringgit in a London

16) You go inside a karaoke at 12 pm and realise that the place is still open at 5 am...

17) You come across a supposedly local person but with a very foreign accent..

18) You cannot vote in an election because someone has voted on behalf of you...

19) You own a bakakuk

Tambah.... you are a Sabahan if u say and understand these words....

1. tuuuna/ saaaana - points with the lips - (there-- at a distance)(the longer the 'tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuna / saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana' the further the place is.)

2. limpas (to pass/walk by - Maaf, saya > limpas dulu? Excuse me, can I passby?

3. palui (stupid, duh! )

4. tapuk (to hide )

5. bida (ugly)

6. bubut (as in proper malay- "kejar", to chase)

7. sakai (ignorant, uncivilized, "hoosier")

8. andang-andang (that's how it is)

9. sapak (kasi campur/gaul --utk masakan-to mix as in cooking)

10. inda/tia (short form of "tidak" - not, no)

11. wicin (another brand of msg as in "aji-no- moto" - a seasoning or food enhancer)

12. talampau (proper malay - "terlampau"- too much)

13. takajut (proper malay - "terkejut" - shocked, startled)

14. siorang (proper malay -"kami"/ "saya-orang" - us, we)

15. ngam-ngam (proper malay "kebetulan" - exact, at that time)

16. mangkali (proper malay "barangkali" - maybe, perhaps)

17. kamarin (proper malay "kelmarin" - yesterday)

18. kanapa (proper malay "kenapa" - why)

19. gia (__expression - "is it?")

20. bah (__expression - "ok!")

21. ah? (question, "Apa?" What?)

22. kici/kicil (proper malay "kecil" - small)

23. basar (proper malay "besar" - big, huge)

24. siok (__expression/description, proper malay "seronok" - enjoyable, great, etc-)

25. urang ("orang" - people; sometimes used "diurang" - them, they)

26. karing ("kering" - dry)

27. umban ("humban, lempar" - throw)

28. kana ("kena"- got ie--"kena umban" --got thrown)

29. padih ("pedih" - as in "Mata saya padih/pedih!" - My eyes stings, painful)

30. numbur ("nombor" - number)

31. gali ("geli" as in squeemish about something, or "gali"--gali lubang - as in Dig a hole.)

32. dorang ("dia orang/diurang" - them, they - Dorang pigi tamu. They went to the market.)

33. panat ("penat" - tired)

34. katawa ("ketawa" - laugh, laughing)

35. lanjang (a.k.a. "periuk /belanga " - pots/pans)

36. putung ("potong" - cut, slice)

37. Buduh ("bodoh" - stupid)

38. tongo/bongo ("stupido" - same as above )

39. kabaru-baruan ("kebaru-baruan"- new to something)

40. giuk (proper malay "ulat"- worm)

41. Sikui (Tembikai - watermelon)

42. Santut (Underwear)

43. celana/salana (Seluar)

44. gipit/gapit (to grip...)

45. kanapatan/kadapatan (caught red handed.. or as the malays in kl say..'kantoi')

46. kebangkalan (choked while eating..proper malay = 'tersedak')

47. ketulahan (bad karma)

48. bahai (plastic bag)

49. uinnaaa! (used to express various feelings, mostly when surprised..)

50. ging (derived from the word gang.. means kawan/member)

51. Tontolou = Uncle Johnny

52. Pantat = Butt<---tp di semenanjung,lain tuh kan? eee... ya ba pula.. Di sabah .. belakang ..tapi di semenanjung di Depan pulak .. silap .. LOL( for the west Malaysian, they hv different mean dis..). whhheeccck

53. Cula = Coke or Coca-cola...lol

54 Torrrrrbaik = The Best...lol

55. Bikin panas = feeling angry...HHAH - HOt kununlah..True to my roots.. I have one to contribute

56. Tambirang = Don't lie.. (eg. Jangan kau tembirang)

57. Sabak ---- means baru ko tau... in english = I TOLD U...

58. Kotoh ---- Means as same like Sabak...

59. Lakas = Lekas/Cepat (Faster)

60. Bobot/toto/tonton = Vagina *depends on location-different location different slang

61. Balabak = Scrotum

62. Kalatiak = Ketiak (Armpit)

63. Duiiii dogo! = My goodness!! / Oh my!!

64. Seluar Katak - underwear

65. siring siring - side / on the side

66. taapun - a phrase used when unable to get the things desired

67. palis palis - touch wood

68 tachut - our version of touch wood

69. gostan - reverse

70. gohed - forward

71. ayuk - swinging movement of the arm in the marble game. can also mean to masturbate

72. taiih - shit / feaces / or just a curse word

73. kogutan - hangover

74. Sepuluh Tiga (10-3) - RM10 for three cans of beer (well in those days lah)

75. mulau - crazy

76. takana - hit (BM is terkena)

77. tekuis - same like like takana

78. kapayas / tapayas - papaya

79. api api - kota kinabalu

80 (sia) bilang - said

81. skijap - soon / in a short while / later

82. tinguk - (tengok) to look

83. hari satu - monday

84. hari dua - tuesday

85. hari tiga - wednesday

86. hari ampat - thursday

87. hari lima - friday

88. hari anam - saturday

89. SOT - crazy

90. thai lingong - worse than buduh

91. karan - electricity

92. butul - in BM 'betul'

- a true Sabahan

- - - - -
I say..:
6) - Not really, but I admit this are the most comfortable thins to wear and I occasionally wear it..

14) - for the non-bumiputra only..but sometimes even the bumiputra also don't have IC because their parent don't registered their birth since born then it must have been difficult for them to apply for IC. If they were going to apply..there are so many procedure they have to done..

17) -this were so common

19) - once my family own but my drunk cousin unintended throw it in deep shrubs..idiot drunker..

who know what atukkoi resembles??


For a friend.....

I have a friend here, she has a huge interest towards Indonesian songs..hehe..actually she is my housemate once. Back then she back home to Sabah and she still text me sometimes asking me not to forget bringing her any new movir or new songs from indonesian group, singer n so on .....

here i decided to upload some new songs that I think maybe she still don't have the mp3 songs yet...

psss/t :: Beba..cuba klik aja n save as..!!
just hit me back if u want more...ok beba..!!